Local people are involved in the governance and delivery of the charity’s services. We recognise the expertise people bring with them in terms of their lived experience, their identities and their knowledge and skills. We benefit from this greatly. These individuals have overcome great challenges in the past and have an underlying resilience that can often be strengthened and rebuilt.
We use various mechanisms of our own to involve our target community in planning and reviewing our work:
- Bi-monthly consultation meetings with Participants
- Quarterly volunteer meeting
- The Board of Trustees is made up of local residents, who act as ambassadors at meetings and public events
We are also in regular attendance at:
- Cheetham and Crumpsall Neighbourhood Partnership MLCO
- North Manchester Community Explorers inter-agency forum
- North Manchester Age Friendly Network
- GM Black, Asian Minorities Ethnic Network
- Cheetham and Crumpsall Sure Start Advisory Group
- Carers M/c North Partnership and Carers Network
The activities are accessible to adults with a specific focus on people from BAME communities and are dementia & age-friendly. People can choose to stay for one activity or stay for the whole session.